Tag Archives: Vote No


  • Visit Newport is already concerned that we look like LA . . . “One of our biggest challenges is that people see us as an extension of LA Neighborhoods . . .”  (Newport Beach Independent 8/15/2014)
  • Uptown Newport Developer has goal of making us look more like LA . . . “The innovative layout [of Uptown Newport], which is the FIRST for Newport Beach . . . mirror[s] the community plans of high-density cities like downtown Los Angeles.” (Newport Beach Magazine 4/6/2014)
  • City Council promises in Measure Y language a traffic reduction derived from estimates and averages in spite of 565,000 square feet of new development in Newport Center . . . “a reduction of an estimated 2,922 average daily vehicle trips.”
  • City Council promises a “Traffic Bypass Analysis if Measure Y passes . . . why do we need a ballot measure to analyze long-standing traffic congestion in our community?
  • City Council is poised to enact a Level 1 Water Restrictions on its residents . . . and yet City Council continues to approve additional development . . . where do you suppose developers’ water comes from?

Do you really want to trust that Measure Y will deliver on its “promises”?

VOTE NO on November 4 and let’s go back to the drawing board and work together on sensible solutions we can all benefit from . . . not just the developers.

Speak Up Shelton

Thoughts about Measure  Y
Bob Shelton, Former Newport Beach City Manager and City Council Member

Surveys confirm what we all know. Traffic is a worsening headache for people who live and drive in Newport Beach. Yet Measure Y does next to nothing to reduce existing or future traffic levels. If it passes, it will reduce Average Daily Trips by less than 1% city-wide at build out – – according to City estimates.

Traffic conditions will get worse whether Measure Y passes or fails. But if passed, it will increase traffic congestion in the Newport Center area, on PCH, and at key intersections – – more than will the existing General Plan. 

So why is it desirable to aggravate both current and future traffic conditions by adding further density to already crowded and still growing Newport Center?

Who benefits? Let’s guess. I see no benefit to me as a car-driving resident.  Income to the City with or without Measure Y is not worth debating. The City is in commendably sound financial shape and can continue to budget for timely improvements without relying on more development fees. We don’t have to accept more density to pay for these.

There is no urgent need to amend the General Plan. A better course would be to follow through with existing General Plan policies that call for tackling designated land use and circulation issues.

The ballot language describing Measure Y is deceptive. The ballot arguments favoring Measure Y send mixed messages and make dubious promises.  The Measure is unwarranted and should be defeated.